The Parent Teacher Organization's (Fast Family PTO) objective is to enrich the education of FAST students and enhance the efforts of the school
staff by promoting relationships and involvement as well as utilizing the talents and resources of our families, teachers, school, and community. FAST Family PTO does this through projects such as helping to offset the cost of classroom supplies, teacher luncheons and family fun outings.
The FAST Family PTO is a non-profit organization and contributions are fully tax-deductible.
Did you Know?
- Parent involvement is the number one predictor of early literacy success.
- Kids with involved parents do better in school and score higher on tests.
- Kids with involved parents are more likely to pursue higher education.
- FAST Family PTO supports the school through staff appreciation events, teacher grants, community outreach, clinic supplies, student council events, family events and school support events such as field day, and PBIS celebrations.
Membership Levels
For the last three years, FAST Family PTO has had tremendous success combining our annual membership drive with a simple check writing campaign. This event replaces all other fundraising sales (i.e. wrapping paper, candles) that usually take place throughout the school year and the easy, one-time donation is even tax deductible!
Your donation directly funds the PTO sponsored programs that benefit our students, staff & school!
Business Partnerships
We believe the educational experience of our students can be enriched through the involvement of our business community. To achieve this partnership, we offer a number of opportunities for businesses to partner with FAST by contributing financial or other resources in return for targeted marketing outreach to more than 600 students, staff, and families throughout Fulton County.
Marketing opportunities vary by contribution level and include having flyers distributed to families, business name/logo on commemorative sign on campus, recognition on FAST Family PTO website and Online Directory, acknowledgement in special Business Partner eblast and more! Learn more!
Spirit Wear & Fun Stuff
For the last three years, FAST Family PTO has had tremendous success combining our annual membership drive with a simple check writing campaign. This event replaces all other fundraising sales (i.e. wrapping paper, candles) that usually take place throughout the school year and the easy, one-time donation is even tax-deductible!
Your donation directly funds the PTO-sponsored programs that benefit our students, staff & school!

Volunteer Training
Fulton Academy of Science and Technology requires all volunteers to complete a required online training course before they can volunteer in the school. Volunteer Training.
PTO Documents and Files
Find common PTO forms and documents as well as our online reimbursement form.
2024-2025 PTO Officers
For the complete organizational chart, please click here.
- Co-President: Jacquie DiCaprio PTO@fastk8.org
- Co-President: Marion Boyd PTO@fastk8.org
- Co-Vice President: Mary Thompson PTOVicePresident@fastk8.org
- Co-Vice President: Purvi Shroff PTOVicePresident@fastk8.org
- Secretary: Heather Stanley PTOSecretary@fastk8.org
- Treasurer: Adrienne Smith PTOTreasurer@fastk8.org
Latest News
Follow our FAST Family PTO Facebook page for the latest news and events!